Privat sanitary unit NL

more privacy and comfort? private sanitary unit

Check-in at arrival from 10.30 a.m. (in case of leaving previous guests on your arrival day, due to cleaning, the cabin is available from 2 p.m.)

privat sanitar

Private bathroom provides extra Comfort while your vacation at our campsite. The private sanitary unit - cabin offers highest standard. You are also allowed using our 2 sanitary buildings at no extra cost. The private room has its own shower, sink, toilet. Also heating provided, if needed. on the campsite are map marked as PR1 - PR4 . At check-in you get important information as well as your private key!

Privatsanitary means also comfort spot up to 150 m2 incl. drink water and drain stand, 10 A electricity plug.

Please have cash deposit for the check-in, 3000,- CZK or 100,- EUR. Thank you


privat sanitar waschbecken

The room is also provided be air vent unit for fresh air all day!

privat sanitar wc


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Camp opkomst

Campsite Václav at Jesenice lake (740 ha) is a family campsite run with tradition since 1992. The whole area was built on a green land without any buildings, electricity, water to drink or drainpipe. The business grew up thanks to hard work and kind people - the former family and the tourists, which arrived during the past years. Feel free to visit our lovely site to relax and enjoy your free time. Thank you very much for respecting the campsite area rules.

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