Awards and quality milestones NL

The quality is important for us. The quality matters! Thank you very much to all our customers.


45sterren 2019 erkend camping vaclav



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45sterren 2018


2016 campinginfo award2017 web


We received award for excellent service quality by ADAC!

camping vaclav adac award 2014 gala

adac award 2014 campingplatz vaclav tschechien

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Caravaning 7/2012

 caravaning casopis  caravaning casopis1  caravaning casopis2


czech TV Nova team on holiday inspection - we received GOLD!

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Label Auszeichnung 4c 2012


camp categorizace 2012




adac auszeichnung 2010

adac auszeichnung mietangebote 2010




adac auszeichnung 2009


Thank you very much to all our customers and camping fans!

Camp opkomst

Campsite Václav at Jesenice lake (740 ha) is a family campsite run with tradition since 1992. The whole area was built on a green land without any buildings, electricity, water to drink or drainpipe. The business grew up thanks to hard work and kind people - the former family and the tourists, which arrived during the past years. Feel free to visit our lovely site to relax and enjoy your free time. Thank you very much for respecting the campsite area rules.

Praktische Links NL

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